MSSC2016 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry

The Theoretical Chemistry Group of the University of Torino announces the:
MSSC2016 Summer School in "Ab initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry"
to be held in Torino (Italy) from September the 4th to September the 9th, 2016.
The aim of the Torino edition of the MSSC2016 School is twofold: on the one hand, it is expected to provide the necessary formal background to the understanding of the main theoretical methodologies and approximations underpinning modern ab initio solid state computational tools; on the other hand, it aims at providing with practical guidelines for the actual use of standard and advanced features of the CRYSTAL software.
The School will also represent the occasion for the first presentation of the new version of the program (CRYSTAL17, to be released at the beginning of 2017) and of its new features and capabilities.
Participation is restricted to 40 attendees.
The scientific programme, list of lecturers, registration details and general information can be found at the official School web site:
Looking forward to meet you in the beautiful city of Torino.
Sincere regards,
MSSC2016 School Directors,
Roberto Dovesi
Silvia Casassa