Organic Chemistry is one of the most creative disciplines in the entire scientific field, and refers to one of the most numerous communities at national level.
Organic Chemistry is a core discipline, which in itself integrates science and technology able of embracing - playing an essential role - among the most relevant sectors of our modern society, from health, to the environment, energy, communication, food, housing, manufacturing, and education. Organic Chemistry is everywhere around us and pervades our daily lives, in synergy and complement with other scientific-technological disciplines. Organic Chemistry is also knowledge and culture, representing a modern, innovative and sustainable approach to society and its main needs.
The Division of Organic Chemistry of SCI-Società Chimica Italiana (Italian Chemical Society) is the scientific community of those who, in their profession, study, passion or even simple curiosity, have a connection to this discipline: teachers and researchers from academics and from public research bodies (e.g., CNR), from industry and from school, doctoral students, research fellows, young graduates and students of degree courses in chemistry, students of high schools, technical and professional institutes, administrators and politicians, citizens, and enthusiasts.
The Division of Organic Chemistry is our common house, where each member can feel that he/she is an active part in all the traditional and innovative activities that the Division organizes every year. Each member is invited to collaborate to create an ever more modern and engaging Division, to properly face all of the main society’s present and future challenges, for a better world where to live in.
Your contribution is highly appreciated!

Interview of the President of the Division to Anne Nijs and Leana Travaglini, Editors of the European Journal of Organic Chemistry
Go to page: https://www.soc.chim.it/it/divisioni/organica/newsletter
The activities of the Division of Organic Chemistry are open to everyone: researchers, professionals, corporate employees, professors, teachers, students, engaged citizens, and curious individuals, without any restrictions. However, to access the numerous and growing opportunities for support and promotion (scholarships, discounted or free participation fees, etc.) and to stay updated on all activities, it is essential to be a member of the Division.
If you have not yet joined SCI-Division of Organic Chemistry or have not renewed your membership, click on the following links:
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