Chemistry meets Industry and Society

Società Chimica Italiana (SCI) in collaboration with European Chemical Society (EuChemS), Federchimica (the Italian Federation of the chemical industry), Farmindustria (Italian Association of pharmaceutical companies) and the support of Italian Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM) and Italian Association of Science & Technology of Macromolecules (AIM) invite you to attend to CIS 2019, a new international event opening a new perspective in the interaction between research, industry and society in the field of chemistry.
CIS 2019 aims to be a new breakthrough-type international conference, different from the conventional scientific conferences and aimed to fill an existing gap between the scientific capabilities of research, and industry and society needs, e.g. from idea to innovation. It aims to be a creative showcase conference, with presentations (from projects, scientists, companies, public agencies, etc.) oriented to present
- applicable research results (rather than just scientific aspects) in a form where communication to companies and non-experts should be pursued
- specific requests from companies regarding both fundamental and applied aspects that they identify as background for innovation
- strategic aspects of research identified by public agencies to foster competiveness in the area of chemistry and address societal grand-challenges.
In particular, CIS 2019 wants to show the strategic role of Chemistry to foster progress and innovation, with reference to broad topics such as Energy, Health, Sustainability, Security, and Everyday life.
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