Merck Young Chemists' Symposium 2024
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Merck Young Chemists' Symposium 2023
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Merck Young Chemists' Symposium 2022
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Merck Young Chemists' Symposium 2021
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Merck Young Chemists' Symposium 2019
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Merck – Elsevier Young Chemists Symposium 2018

Flyer [6] | Final programme [7] | Book of Abstracts [8]
We are honored to announce the 18th edition of the young chemists symposium of the Italian Chemical Society, namely Merck & Elsevier Young Chemists Symposium, an annual scientific event organized by the Young Group of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI Giovani) with the financial support of Merck and Elsevier companies. Thanks to the presence of Merck and Elsevier and the active participation of SCI at European level (society member of EuCheMS), the event will be international, hosting several top-scientists. Merck & Elsevier Young Chemists Symposium 2018 will be hosted in Rimini (Italy), on the Adriatic Riviera of Romagna, in one of the best-known seaside resorts in Northern Italy. All symposium sessions and events will be held in the Hotel Sporting & Hotel Ambasciatori, which will ensure an elegant, comfortable, and top-level 4*-superior hospitality. This symposium is fully oriented to young researchers, such as MSc and PhD students, scholarship and post-doc fellows, and young researchers working in companies and research centers. All the disciplines of Chemistry will be covered: analytical, physical, industrial, organic, inorganic, theoretical, pharmaceutical, biological, environmental, macromolecular and electrochemistry. This year, a special emphasis will be given to chemistry from knowledge to innovation: how chemistry is increasingly present in all of the fields that are essential for human life, and how chemical fundamentals are pushing novel technologies. Symposium members will present the results of their scientific research in front of an international audience, which will also include representatives of chemical companies and invited renowned scientists. Thanks to the significant financial support from Merck and Elsevier, which will contribute to the costs of accommodation and meals (see registration fees detailed in the Registration form), this is a unique opportunity for young scientists to actively participate in a prestigious scientific event organized by SCI. Registration fees are even more advantageous if application and payment are made before September 30th 2018. The conference is organized to allow each participants to contribute with an oral presentation, a poster, or a poster + flash communication. For scientific contribution, the deadline for abstract submission is September 30th 2018 (the use of the Abstract template is mandatory). All of the accepted scientific contributions within the event will be collected in a citable international volume with ISBN code.
Merck Young Chemists Symposium 2017
Flyer [12] | Final programme [13] | Book of Abstracts [14]
We are honored to announce the second edition of the Merck Young Chemists Symposium, as an annual scientific event organized by the Young Group Italian Chemical Society (SCI Giovani) with the financial support of Merck. Thanks to the presence of Merck and the active participation of SCI at European level (society member of EuCheMS), the event will be international, hosting several top-scientists. Merck Young Chemists Symposium 2017 will be hosted in Milano Marittima (Italy), on the Adriatic Riviera of Romagna, in one of the best-known seaside resorts in Northern Italy. All symposium sessions and events will be held in the Embassy & Boston Hotel, which will ensure an elegant, comfortable, and top-level 4*-superior hospitality. This symposium is fully oriented to young researchers, such as MSc and PhD students, scholarship and post-doc fellows, and young researchers working in companies. All the disciplines of Chemistry will be covered: analytical, physical, industrial, organic, inorganic, theoretical, pharmaceutical, biological, environmental, macromolecular and electrochemistry. This year, a special emphasis will be given to chemistry without borders: how chemistry is increasingly present in all of the fields that are fundamental for human life, i.e. energy, health and environment? Thanks to the significant financial support from Merck, which will contribute to the costs of accommodation and meals (see registration fees detailed in the Registration form), this is a unique opportunity for young scientists to actively participate in a prestigious scientific event organized by SCI. Registration fees are even more advantageous if application and payment are made before September 24th 2017. The conference is organized to allow each participants to contribute with an oral presentation, a poster, or a poster + flash communication. For scientific contribution, the deadline for abstract submission is September 24th 2017 (the use of the Abstract template is mandatory). All of the accepted scientific contributions within the event will be collected in a citable international volume with ISBN code. Further details can also be found at the dedicated Merck website [15].
Merck Young Chemists Symposium 2016
Flyer [16] | Final programme [17] | Book of Abstracts [18]
We are honored to announce the first edition of the Merck Young Chemists Symposium, formerly SAYCS, as an annual scientific event organized by the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) with the financial support of Merck. Given the presence of a multinational company like Merck and of a EuCheMS-member society like SCI, this event will be an international conference. Merck Young Chemists Symposium 2016 will be hosted in Rimini (Italy), on the Adriatic Riviera of Romagna, in one of the best-known seaside resorts in Northern Italy. All symposium sessions and events will be held in the interconnected hotels Ambasciatori and Sporting, which will ensure an elegant, comfortable, and top-level hospitality. This symposium is fully devoted to young researchers, such as Ph.D. students, post-doc fellows and young researchers in enterprises. Thanks to the significant financial support from Merck, which will contribute to the costs of accommodation and meals (see registration fees detailed in the Application form), this is a unique opportunity for young scientists to actively participate in a prestigious scientific event organized by SCI. Registration fees are even more advantageous if application and payment are made before September 23rd 2016. The conference is organized to allow each participants to contribute with an oral presentation, a poster, or a poster + flash communication. For scientific contribution, the deadline for abstract submission is September 23rd 2016 (the use of the Abstract template is mandatory). All of the accepted scientific contributions within the event will be collected in a citable international volume with ISBN code.