Dear President of the Società Chimica Italiana
As Secretary General of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) and following the resolutions adopted by our General Board meeting, is with great pleasure that I communicate officially to you that Prof. Antonio Molinaro has been recipient of the González-Ciamician Award 2024 from our Society.
More info here: [1]
On behalf of the President the RSEQ, Prof. Antonio Echavarren (CCed), and of all the Members of our Board I congratulate Prof. Molinaro on this occasion and all the SCI.
I would also like to mention that Profs. Cañada and Martín-Santamaría presented the candidacy, and will be in charge of arranging the Award presentation ceremony to acknowledge Prof. Molinaro´s contributions.
Once again, congratulations for this recognition to Prof. Molinaro´s work, and congratulations to all the Italian-Spanish Chemistry community for the strengthening of our relationship.
Dr. Sonsoles Martín-Santamaría
RSEQ, Secretary General