Il Consiglio Direttivo del Gruppo Giovani bandisce la nuova edizione del Premio Primo Levi, da assegnare ad un giovane Socio SCI autore di una ricerca originale e di ampio interesse per le Scienze Chimiche, pubblicata su una rivista scientifica internazionale in versione finale nel periodo 01 gennaio ‒ 31 dicembre 2024.
Bando [2]
Modulo da compilare e documenti da allegare:
Modulo Goodle [3]
Impatto [4]
► Premio Levi 2023
► Premio Levi 2022
- Stefano Cinti (UniNA, Chimica Analitica)
- Printed Electrochemical Strip for the Detection of miRNA-29a: A Possible Biomarker Related to Alzheimer’s Disease
Analytical Chemistry 94(2022) 15558-15563 [5]
Video [6] | Articolo [7] - Stefano Toso (IIT, Chimica Fisica)
Halide perovskites as disposable epitaxial templates for the phase-selective synthesis of lead sulfochloride nanocrystals
Nature Communications 13 (2022) 3976
Video | Articolo
Menzioni di merito:
- Alberto Privitera (UniFI, Chimica per le Tecnlogie)
- Sara Bracaglia (UniROMA2, Chimica Analitica)
Direct detection of spin polarization in photoinduced charge transfer through a chiral bridge
Chemical Sciences 13 (2022) 12208-12218
Video | Articolo
Programmable Cell-Free Transcriptional Switches for Antibody Detection
JACS 144 (2022) 5820-5826
Video | Articolo
- "The Most Popular Video" Juliette Bucci (UniROMA2, Chimica Analitica)
- Orthogonal Enzyme-Driven Timers for DNA Strand Displacement Reactions
JACS 144 (2022) 19791-19798 [8]
Video [9] | Articolo [10]
► Premio Levi 2021
- Mario Prosa (CNR, Chimica Fisica)
- Organic Light-Emitting Transistors in a Smart-Integrated System for Plasmonic-Based Sensing
Advanced Functional Materials 31(2021) 2104927 [11]
Video [6] | Articolo [7] - Demetra Giuri (UniBo, Chimica Organica)
Exploiting and controlling gel-to-crystal transitions in multicomponent supramolecular gels
Chemical Science 12 (2021) 9720
Video | Articolo
Menzioni di merito:
- Laura Fabiani (UniROMA2, Chimica Analitica)
- Paolo Cleto Bruzzese (UniTO, Chimica Inorganica)
Magnetic beads combined with carbon black-based screen-printed electrodes for COVID-19: A reliable and miniaturized electrochemical immunosensor for SARS-CoV-2 detection in saliva
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 171 (2021) 112686
Video | Articolo
17O-EPR determination of the structure and dynamics of copper single-metal sites in zeolites
Nature Communications 21 (2021) 4638
Video | Articolo
- "The Most Popular Video" Matteo Savastano (UniFI, Chimica Inorganica)
- Words in supramolecular chemistry: the ineffable advances of polyiodide chemistry
Dalton Transaction 50 (2021) 1142
Video [9] | Articolo [10] [12]Elenco finalisti | Bando | Verbale
► Premio Levi 2020
- Alberto Dal Corso (UniMI, Chimica Organica)
- Fast Cyclization of a Proline-Derived Self-Immolative Spacer Improves the Efficacy of Carbamate Prodrugs
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 (2020) 4176-4181 [13]
Video [6] | Articolo [7] - Jacopo Fregoni (UniMORE, Chimica Teorica e cOmputazionale)
Strong Coupling with Light Enhances the Photoisomerization Quantum Yield of Azobenzene
Chem 6 (2020) 250-265
Video | Articolo
Menzioni di merito:
- Alberto Bertucci (UniROMA2, Chimica Analitica)
- Veronica Torresan (UniPd, Chimica Fisica)
Protein-Controlled Actuation of Dynamic Nucleic Acid Networks by Using Synthetic DNA Translators
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 (2020) 20577-20581
Video | Articolo
4D Multimodal Nanomedicines Made of Nonequilibrium Au–Fe Alloy Nanoparticles
ACS Nano 14 (2020) 12840-12853
Video | Articolo
- "The Most Popular Video" Gianluigi Albano (UniPI, Chimica Organica)
- Emergent Nonreciprocal Circularly Polarized Emission from an Organic Thin Film
Adv. Mater. 32 (2020) 2002575 [14]
Video [9] | Articolo [10] [12]Elenco finalisti | Bando | Verbale
► Premio Levi 2019
- Simona Ranallo (UniROMA2, Chimica Analitica)
- Orthogonal regulation of DNA nanostracture self-assembly using antibodies
Nat. Comm. 10 (2019) art. no 5509
Video [15] | Articolo [16] - Luca Capaldo (UniPV, Chimica Organica)
- Video [17] | Articolo [18]
Visible light uranyl photocatalysis: direct C-H to C-C bond conversion
ACS Catal. 9 (2019) 3054-3058
Menzioni di merito:
- Stefano Corrà (UniBO, Chimica Inorganica)
- Video [19] | Articolo [20]
- Maria Del Carmen Marin Perez (UniSI, Chimica Teorica e Computazionale)
- Video [21] | Articolo [22]
- "The Most Popular Video" Rosaria Bruno (UniCAL, Chimica Inorganica)
- Multivariate metal-organic frameworks for the simultaneous capture of organic and inorganic contaminants from water
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141 (2019) 13601-13609 [23]
Video [24] | Articolo [25] [12]Elenco finalisti | Bando | Verbale
Chemical on/off switching of mechanically planar chirality and ciral anion recognition in a [2]rotaxane molecular shuttle
J. Am. chem. Soc. 14 (2019) 9129-9133
Fluorescence enhancement of a microbial via electronic reprogramming
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141 (2019) 262-271
► Premio Levi 2018
- Luka Đorđević (UniTS, Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici)
- Design principles of chiral carbon nanodots help convey chirality from molecular to nanoscale level
Nat. Comm. 9 (2018) art. no 3442
Video [26] | Articolo [27] - Eleonora Macchia (UniBA, Chimica Analitica)
- Single-molecule detection with a millimetre-sized transistor
Nat. Comm. 9 (2018) art. no. 3223
Video [28] | Articolo [29]
Menzioni di merito:
- Serena Bertoni (UniBO, Tecnologia Farmaceutica)
- pH and reactive oxygen species-sequential responsive nano-in-micro composite for targeted therapy of inflammatory bowel disease
Adv. Func. Mater. 28 (2018) art no. 1806175 [30]
Video [31] | Articolo [32] - Stefano Crespi (UniPV, Chimica Organica)
- Tuning the thermal isomerization of phenylazoindole photoswitches from days to nanoseconds
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140 (2018) 2940-2946 [33]
Video [34] | Articolo [35] - "The Most Popular Video" Carla Rizzo (UniPA, Chimica Organica)
- Nitrogen-doped carbon nanodots-ionogels: Preparation, characterization, and radical scavenging activity
ACS Nano 12 (2018) 1296-1305 [36]
Video [37] | Articolo [38]
Elenco finalisti [12] | Bando [39] | Verbale [40]
► Premio Levi 2017
- Claudia Bonfio (UniTN, Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici)
- UV-light-driven prebiotic synthesis of iron-sulfur clusters
Nat. Chem. 9 (2017) 1229-1234 [41]
Video [42] | Articolo [43] - Daniele Martella (UniFI, Chimica Industriale)
- Photonic microhand with autonomous action
Adv. Mater. 29 (2017) art. no. 1704047 [44]
Video [45] | Articolo [46]
Menzioni di merito:
- Riccardo Rigo (UniPV, Chimica Farmaceutica)
- Conformational profiling of a G-rich sequence within the c-KIT promoter
Nucleic Acids Res. 45 (2017) 13056-13067 [47]
Video [48] | Articolo [49] - Sergio Rossi (UniMI, Chimica Organica)
- Stereoselective catalytic synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients in homemade 3D-printed mesoreactors
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56 (2017) 4290-4294 [50]
Video [51] | Articolo [52] - "The Most Popular Video" Francesco Tavanti (UniMORE, Chimica Teorica e Computazionale)
- Site-selective surface-enhanced Raman detection of proteins
ACS Nano 11 (2017) 918-926 [53]
Video [54] | Articolo [55]
Elenco finalisti [56] | Bando [57] | Verbale [58]
► Premio Levi 2016
- Alessia Amodio (UniROMA2, Chimica Analitica)
- pH-controlled assembly of DNA tiles
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138 (2016) 12735-12738 [59]
Video [60] | Articolo [61] - Giovanni Valenti (UniBO, Elettrochimica)
- Coaxial heterostructures integrating palladium/titanium dioxide with carbon nanotubes for efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
Nat. Commun. 7 (2016) 13549 [62]
Video [63] | Articolo [64]
Menzioni di merito:
- Francesca Arcudi (UniTS, Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici)
- Synthesis, separation, and characterization of small and highly fluorescent nitrogen-doped carbon nanodots
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55 (2016) 2107-2112 [65]
Video [66] | Articolo [67] - Matteo Atzori (UniFI, Chimica Inorganica)
- Quantum coherence times enhancement in vanadium(IV)-based potential molecular qubits: the key role of the vanadyl moiety
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138 (2016) 11234-11244 [68]
Video [69] | Articolo [70] - "The Most Popular Video" Anna Laura Capriotti (UniROMA1, Chimica Analitica)
- New magnetic graphitized carbon black TiO2 composite for phosphopeptide selective enrichment in shotgun phosphoproteomics
Anal. Chem. 88 (2016) 12043-12050 [71]
Video [72] | Articolo [73]
[74] [12]Elenco finalisti [75] | Bando [76] | Verbale [77]
► Premio Levi 2015
- Cristian Pezzato (UniPD e CNR-ISTM, Chimica Organica)
- Transient signal generation in a self-assembled nanosystem fueled by ATP
Nat. Commun. 6 (2015) 7790
Video [78] | Articolo [79] - Letizia Monico (UniPG, Chimica dell'Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali)
- Evidence for degradation of the chrome yellows in Van Gogh’s sunflowers: a study using noninvasive in situ methods and synchrotron-radiation-based X-ray techniques
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54 (2015) 13923 [80]
Video [81] | Articolo [82]
Menzioni di merito:
- Giulio Ragazzon (UniBO, Chimica Inorganica)
- Light-powered autonomous and directional molecular motion of a dissipative self-assembling system
Nat. Nanotechnol. 10 (2015) 70
Video [83] | Articolo [84] - Chiara Samorì (CIRI EA e UniBO, Chimica Organica)
- Dimethyl carbonate and switchable anionic surfactants: two effective tools for the extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates from microbial biomass
Green Chem. 17 (2015) 1047
Video [85] | Articolo [86] - "The Most Popular Video" Luca Catalano (PoliMI, Chimica Fisica)
- Dynamic characterization of crystalline supramolecular rotors assembled through halogen bonding
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137 (2015) 15386 [87]
Video [88] | Articolo [89]
Elenco finalisti [90] | [12]Bando [91] | Verbale [92]
► Premio Levi 2014
- Alessandra Campana (CNR-ISMN, Chimica Fisica)
- Electrocardiographic recording with conformable organic electrochemical transistor fabricated on resorbable bioscaffold
Adv. Mater. 26 (2014) 3874
Articolo [93] - Alessandro Minguzzi (UniMI e INSTM, Elettrochimica)
- Observing the oxidation state turnover in heterogeneous iridium-based water oxidation catalysts
Chem. Sci. 5 (2014) 3591
Articolo [94]
Menzioni di merito:
- Andrea Idili (UniROMA2, Chimica Analitica)
- Programmable pH-triggered DNA nanoswitches
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 (2014) 5836
Articolo [95] - Alberto Ceccon (UniVR, Chimica Organica)
- Dynamics of a globular protein adsorbed to liposomal nanoparticles
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 (2014) 13158 [96]
Articolo [97]
Elenco finalisti [98] | [12]Bando [99] | Verbale [100]
► Premio Levi 2013
- Francesco Pineider (UniFI e CNR-ISTN, Chimica Inorganica)
- Circular magnetoplasmonic modes in gold nanoparticles
Nano Lett. 13 (2013) 4785-4789 [101]
Articolo [102] - Alessandro Porchetta (UniROMA2 e INBB, Chimica Analitica)
- Allosterically tunable, DNA-based switches triggered by heavy metals
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 (2013) 13238-13241 [103]
Articolo [104]
Menzioni di merito:
- Denis Gentili (CNR-ISMN)
- Logic-gate device based on printed polymer semiconducting nanostripes
Nano Lett. 13 (2013) 3643-3647 [105]
Articolo [106] - Ivan Carnimeo (SNS e INFN)
- Computational spectroscopy of large system in solution: the DFTB/PCM and TD-DFTB/PCM approach
J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 9 (2013) 2052-2071 [107]
Articolo [108]
[109] [12]Bando [110] | Verbale [111]
► Premio Levi 2012
- Matteo Cargnello (CNR-ICCOM)
- Exceptional activity for methane combustion over modular Pd@CeO2 subunits on fuctionalized Al2O3
Science 337 (2012) 713-717 [112]
Articolo [113]
Menzioni di merito:
- Tommaso Avellini (UniBO)
- Davide Ravelli (UniPV)
- Alessandro Porchetta (UniROMA2)
[114] [12]Bando [115]
► Premio Levi 2010
- Elisabetta Collini (UniPD, Chimica Fisica)
- Coherently wired light-harvesting in photosynthetic marine algae at ambient temperature
Nature 463 (2010) 644-647 [116]
Articolo [117]
► Premio Levi 2022
Bando Premio Primo Levi 2024.pdf [2] |
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Impatto_COGNOME ok.doc [4] |