ChemPubSoc Europe Newsletter Issue No. 2
Dear Chemist, dear Society Member,
After introducing you to ChemPubSoc Europe (CPSE) in our first newsletter, we want to take the opportunity now to tell you a little bit more about CPSE activities near you!
We invite you to meet the faces behind the journals:
Come and meet Editors and Society Representatives at the CPSE booth No. 20 at the 4th EuCheMS Congress in Prague during the Tuesday afternoon coffee break on August 28th. At this global meeting you can meet your local contacts.
Global visibility – local presence
While our titles are global, we represent European Chemical Societies, and much like the ACS and RSC Publishing, our journals support our members at the grass roots level. Funds generated by our publications in the form of royalties for each society are used in each country to provide travel grants, award prizes, and support conferences to name just a few.
More than just royalties
The journals themselves are heavily involved in the global chemical community, indeed, you may have already been contacted as a potential author or reviewer, met one of our editors at a conference, won a prize donated by one of our journals, or even presented a journal-sponsored lecture. You support us – we support you!
Journals with impact
Your support in the form of your top papers has been recognised by the latest citation data. Citations of CPSE journals have grown over the latest decade by 744%. This takes a lot to beat. Read more about CPSE journals' success reported in June by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).
Getting involved
If you are not already a member of one of our societies, we encourage you to join and start reaping the rewards associated with membership of ChemPubSoc Europe – discounts on open-access publication charges, excellent rates for personal subscriptions, and more.
If you are already a member, why not take a look at what is happening in your neck of the woods...
With best regards,
Francesco de Angelis President for ChemSusChem, ChemMedChem |
Christian Armatore President for ChemPhysChem |
Wolfram Koch President for Chemistry – A European Journal, ChemBioChem, ChemPlusChem, Chemistry Open |
Luis Oro President for EurJIC, EurJOC, ChemCatChem |
Global visibility – local service
The editorial offices of all our journals are staffed with highly qualified scientists who would be happy to receive any feedback you might have about CPSE or a specific journal.
More information can be found on the ChemPubSoc Europe website: or feel free to contact the individual editorial offices for information specific to a given journal.
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